Home :: Garden :: African Violets

African Violets

African Violets
C1: Background---Shrimp(Isacord 40 #1258)
C2: Background---Apricot(Isacord 40 #1238)
C3: Leaves---Spring Green(Isacord 40 #1104)
C4: Leaves---Grasshopper(Isacord 40 #1176)
C5: Leaf Center---Lemon Frost(Isacord 40 #1022)
OESD >> FM829 >> African Violets Embroidery Design
Stitches: 19715
Colors: C1: Background---Shrimp(Isacord 40 #1258)
C2: Background---Apricot(Isacord 40 #1238)
C3: Leaves---Spring Green(Isacord 40 #1104)
C4: Leaves---Grasshopper(Isacord 40 #1176)
C5: Leaf Center---Lemon Frost(Isacord 40 #1022)
C6: Flower Center---
Width: 3.28" / 83.31 cm
Height: 3.27" / 83.06 cm
Market price: $50.00
Our price: $1.00
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